The Little Scroll
The Church of Almighty God’s members believe the little scroll mentioned in Revelation 10 is their Holy scripture, “The Word Appears in the Flesh,” which in the text itself has a self-referencing statement spoken by the author. Almighty God says, “I will tell it to you when I open My scroll in the last days. (“The scroll” refers to all of the words that I have spoken, My words in the last days—it contains all of them.)”[1] This statement spoken by Almighty God show a confusion of mixing the scroll in Revelation 5 with the little scroll in Revelation 10.
[1] The Church of Almighty God, The Word Appears in the Flesh, “Chapter 110,” Google e-book, accessed August 10, 2021, 476; pdf version, 475.

- Many sources including a CAG evangelist, whom I met during a 2016 home visitation, have confirmed that CAG believes their scripture is the little scroll mentioned in Revelation 10. However, the little scroll was already open in the angel’s hand when it appears in verse 2; and it was later eaten by the Apostle John. In another section of “The Word Appears in the Flesh,” Almighty God playing the role of a third person challenges a person who believes the Bible is the little scroll and says, “You actually regard the Bible as the little scroll, but is it not something that only the Lamb can open? Apart from the Lamb, who else can do so? You are not the Lamb, and even less do I dare claim to be God Himself….”[2]
[2] The Church of Almighty God, The Word Appears in the Flesh, “The Mystery of the Incarnation (4),” Google e-book, accessed January 2, 2022, 1963; pdf version, 1954.
Only the scroll in Revelation 5 was sealed and had to be opened by the Lamb. The author, Almighty God, was confusing the little scroll in Revelation 10 which was already open in the angel’s hand with the scroll in Revelation 5 which was sealed and needed the Lamb to open it. No wonder immediately before the above quoted words, Almighty God says as a third person, “I do not study the Bible; but rather I follow the present work of God.”[3]

Clear Thinking Exercises

- All of the above referenced statements are quoted from “The Word Appears in the Flesh.” It seems like the author, the Almighty God, is referring to another book in the future. Otherwise, it is referring to itself to be opened later. But it is already open as we are reading it.
- If the Little Scroll in Revelation 10 were the same as the scroll as Revelation 5, have the seven seals already been opened by the Lamb of God?
- Have any events related to the opening of the seven seals happened in the Age of Kingdom (since 1991)?
- Is the Little Scroll open or closed in the current age (the Age of Kingdom)?
- What does Revelation 10:10 mean? (see