God's Third Person Perspective
- The core beliefs of the CAG are documented in its own Bible “The Word Appears in the Flesh,” which the church claims that the texts were originated from the recorded spoken words of Almighty God, the second incarnated Christ. In reading “The Word Appears in the Flesh,” with the exception of the section that reveals the second incarnation of God was a female, the rest of books uses a third person pronoun such as “He or Him” as it refers to the second incarnation of God. Here is an example: “This time around, God comes to do work not in a spiritual body, but in a very ordinary one. Moreover, not only is it the body of God’s second incarnation, it is also the body through which God returns to the flesh. It is a very ordinary flesh. You cannot see anything that makes Him stand out from others, but you can gain from Him previously unheard-of truths. This insignificant flesh is what embodies all the words of truth from God, undertakes God’s work in the last days, and expresses the whole of God’s disposition for man to understand. …. He will tell you all these secrets—secrets that no man has been able to tell you, and He will also tell you of the truths that you do not understand. He is your gate into the kingdom, and your guide into the new age.“[1]
[1] The Church of Almighty God, “Essential Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom (Selections),” accessed March 15, 2021; The Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days, Google e-book, accessed March 15, 2021, 2782.

As noted in the Doctrine of the Written Word, in an effort to elevate “The Word Appears in the Flesh” as the only authoritative and divine texts of the last days, CAG has downgraded the whole Christian Bible as outdated. However, CAG still maintains that only Jehovah and Jesus’ direct spoken words are the Word of God; and words spoken and texts written by others, are not the Word of God and not inspired by the Holy Spirit. Ironically, The Word Appears in the Flesh though considered by CAG as the direct spoken words of God does not always use the first-person pronoun “I” as God speaks. While a third person is narrating the works of Almighty God, CAG has changed the third person female pronoun from “she” to “he.” Furthermore, The Word Appears in the Flesh frequently uses a third-person pronoun “we” or “our” to describe Almighty God’s works and ministries. By employing CAG’s own method of judging the Bible, all words not directly spoken by Almighty God in the third person’s perspective should not be accepted as God’s Holy words but a third party’s opinions.

- In the Introduction section of the The Word Appears in the Flesh, an unidentified person, probably the editor Zhao, introduces the structure of CAG’s Holy scripture and explains why Almighty God speaks with different methods and from a third person perspective: “God employs multiple methods and perspectives…. He uses satire, and sometimes He uses the method of direct provision and teaching… He uses examples, and sometimes He uses harsh rebukes. Overall, there are all kinds of different methods, the goal of which is to cater to people’s various states and tastes. The perspective from which He speaks changes with the different methods and content of His utterances…. Sometimes He says “I” or “Me”; that is, He speaks to people from the perspective of God Himself. Sometimes He speaks from the third person, saying “God” is this or that, and there are other times when He speaks from the perspective of a human being. No matter what perspective He speaks from, His essence does not change, for no matter how He speaks, everything He expresses is the essence of God Himself—it is all the truth, and it is what mankind needs.”[2]
[2] The Church of Almighty God, The Word Appears in the Flesh, “Introduction”, accessed March 19, 2021; Google e-book, page 1133.

Almighty God's Third Person Perspective Examples
- From the Doctrine of Reincarnation: For those service-doers who give up serving or commit sins which cause harm to God’s work will face termination of their services. Almighty God will strip disloyal service-doers’ eligibility to serve and there will be no return back. The situation is irreversible; and God will not wait for them to turn-around. Almighty God from a third person’s perspective says,
“God is not so loving when it comes to service-doers, truly. If a person has this kind of attitude in their service to God, God will, as a result of this attitude, strip them of their eligibility to serve, and will once more toss them back among the unbelievers…. They will be reincarnated as an animal and receive the same punishment in the spiritual world as an unbeliever…. This is not only the end of their life of faith in God, but also the end of their own fate, as well as the proclamation of their fate. Thus, if service-doers serve poorly, they will have to bear the consequences themselves…. they will be thrown among the unbelievers—and if this happens, such a person will be dealt with in the same way as livestock, in the same way as people without intellect or rationality.”[1]
In Almighty God’s own words, the God of CAG will punish unfaithful service-doers and send them back to become unbelievers through reincarnations and be reincarnated again to become animals. The God of the Bible is love; and He has grace and mercy toward His people even sinners upon repentance. The God of CAG has no love, no grace, and no mercy for the service-doers who serve poorly. One might ask, ““Can God give the service-doers more time, and be more forbearing and tolerant toward them?” Is it right to voice such a question? (No, it is not.)”[2] CAG followers are often discouraged to ask questions. In the above example, with the answer given immediately following the question, it tells them that even voicing a question is prohibited.
[1] The Church of Almighty God, The Word Appears in the Flesh, “God Himself, The Unique X, God is the Source of Life for All Things (IV)”, Google e-book, accessed March 16, 2021, 3792; pdf version, 3776.
Clear Thinking Exercises
- Among other characters, the God of the Bible is Love, Holy, Justice, Grace, and Immutable, etc. God does not change His Characters. (See God does not Change) Does the Bible ever talk about Reincarnation of Humans and Animal? (See Reincarnation) Does the Bible talk about annihilation of human souls?
- How can we understand one another if we talk or communicate in a third person perspective while expecting others to understand in first person sense?
- Would God ridicule and/or threaten His people in a third person talk?
- Does God manipulate His people with deceptive languages?