Converted Pastor Repented
Background Information
- In late 2012, thousands of CAG members gathered together reportedly in more than 300 local districts all over mainland China. They were carrying red signs, banners, and bullhorns announcing the end of the world is imminent. Some of the signs as well as printed pamphlets show a message “2012 The Last Ticket,” which allegedly was a scam enticing members to spend 1.5 million to 5 million yuan a ticket for an escaping device.[1]
[1] 米脂县人民政府, “邪教“全能神”发家过程” (Evil Cult, “Almighty God” Developing Process), accessed August 4, 2021. Yuan is a unit Chinese currency in dollars.

Dunn says the Eastern Lightning (EL) members who embraced the Mayan prophecy appear to have carried out the massive demonstrations without the approval of a self-proclaimed authority who published a letter dated back to December 16, 2012. This letter addressed to EL churches throughout China praised about recent ministry success but stated: “We do not proclaim judgment day, but simply testify to God’s work in the end times. The judgment day theory is mistaken; the Bible records that there will be major disasters in the end times, but doesn’t say anything the final day…The Bible prophesies that disasters will get bigger and bigger … but the world and humans will not be completely destroyed, and the earth and heavens will remain.”[2]
In her footnote, Dunn simply gives the title of the letter, but does not specify where the letter came from and how she got it.
[2] Emily Dunn, Lightning from the East: Heterodoxy and Christianity in Contemporary China (Leiden: Brill NV, 2015), 95-96.
Meanwhile in Hong Kong, explosive news broke within the Protestant Church community. The senior pastor of the Hong Kong Evangelical Yan Ying Church (HKEYYC) of Yau Tong, Ms. Ng (吳燕芬), admitted her conversion to follow Eastern Lightning; and due to such aberrant conversion she was excommunicated by her church on December 7, 2012. A notice of such action was posted on the front page of the HKEYYC’s website.[3] Ten days later, on December 17, 2012 Ms. Ng was also terminated by The Mission Covenant Church, the church who ordained Ms. Ng.[4] On December 26, 2012, five days after the doomsday (December 21, 2012) which never came to pass, Ms. Ng, a 20-year veteran in pastoral ministries with a graduate degree, decided to repent and leave EL.
[3] Christian Times, “宣教會有同工相信東方閃電議決終止其牧職並刊登啟事”(The Hong Kong Evangelical Church due to a co-worker’s belief in EL has resolved to terminate her pastoral duties and has published a notice), posted December 14, 2012, accessed August 12, 2021.
[4] The Mission Covenant Church, “通告” (Notice), dated December 17, 2012, accessed August 12, 2021.

How Did Pastor Ng Get Converted?
On December 30, 2012, Ms. Ng contacted Rev. Sek-Wai Lo and asked him to be the witness of her repentance. Due to her emotional distress and her fear of facing the news media, Ms. Ng did not appear in the news conference held on January 3, 2013 by Rev. Lo. Instead, she wrote a letter of confession and gave it to Rev. Lo on January 2 for media distribution. Her letter is titled “Why Believe and Not Believe in the Doctrines of Church Almighty God” (為何信又不信全能神教會的教義) in which she explains how she first got in contact with EL in late April 2012 through a former church member who arranged her to see a Chinese Medical Doctor and got some medical treatments. The doctor is a relative of the former church member; and then, she got invited to a Bible study with some other relatives. She Immediately recognized the book, God’s Work of the Last days (神末世的作工) was selected from a book called The Word Appears in the Flesh (話在肉身顯現) and then confirmed with them that the author was the female Christ. Ms. Ng felt very scared and subsequently told them she would not study that book again but she was challenged by her relatives to complete the study plan and then decide for herself. Ms. Ng thought if the book were about God’s truth, and His new work and new proclamation of the Last Days, she would lose out what she has been waiting for years the Lord’s coming. If after studying the book and find out book not from God, she can feel at peace and continue waiting for the Lord’s return. Ms. Ng shares how she got hooked by the book’s advice on discernment:
“The book gives advice on discerning truth or heresies: The truth is from the Holy Spirit, which makes people have a better relationship with God, makes people more in awe of God, loves God more, obeys God, and is loyal to God, which is the direction I seek. So, I follow the instructions in the book and keep reading and gathering. In addition to sharing this book, I often pray that the Holy Spirit will open up my life, so that through the judgment and condemnation of God’s Last Word. God reveals the decay of my life that I am not aware of, and make me repent and return to righteousness, by which I can be saved by God’s cleansing and transformation of my temperament… both the Bible and this book emphasize that unholiness cannot enter the nation of God.”[1]
Then, Ms. Ng came across a dynamic CAG preacher who has been preaching powerful messages. From his sermons, she notices that he treats Satan as an enemy, and that anyone does not obey God, does not love God, is not faithful to God, and resists God, and is regarded as personification of Satan, and is not a believer. Ms. Ng thought if this preacher’s word does not come true, then this book is not God’s Work of the Last Days.
In November 2012, CAG leadership announced that they had other arrangements. CAG believers went out and passed out gospel tracts warning the public that the tribulation is coming. They were organizing Truth Life Seminars and the message will focus on disasters that will begin on December 21, 2012; and for three days, the Sun will be darkened when the planet Nibiru come close to the earth.[2] Knowing that excommunication could the consequences promoting CAG’s teachings, Ms. Ng struggled but still invited HKEYY co-workers to attend the December 5 seminar. As expected, she was terminated by her church on December 7, 2012. Subsequently, Ms. Ng finally woke up and came back.[3] She shares her story as to when and how she concluded that EL’s teachings were not the truth. She recounts,
“By December 26th, everything was still business as usual. I got proofs that the prophecy was false; and I had come to realize that I had believed, in the past six months, the so-called God’s work and words of the Last Days were all lies from man. They are not the truth, and Christ had not yet come again. I declared and prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ in front of my family members, and that day I decided to leave the Church of Almighty God. I ceased to believe in CAG’s teachings and abandon those books.”[4]
Rev. Sek-Wai Lo expressed that he could not figure out why a senior pastor for more than two decades would still believe the teachings of Eastern Lightning. But he said after two conversations with her, he believed that she was “deceived by the spirit”, which may have been due to her dissatisfaction with her spiritual life, her discontentment with the ministry condition, and her belief in a better pursuit but fallen into false teachings.[5]
[1] Christian Times, “遭撤職宣教會牧師撰自白書稱誤信東方閃電向肢體致歉” (Terminated pastor of the Mission Covenant Church wrote a confession saying that she had mistakenly believed in Eastern Lightning and apologized to the body), posted January 4, 2013, accessed August 12, 2021.
[2] Nibiru does not exist. The rumor connected to the fictional Nibiru Planet says that Nibiru was going to collide with the earth on December 21, 2012. It did not happen because there was no such planet ever existed,, accessed August 12, 2021.
[3] Christian Times, “遭撤職宣教會牧師撰自白書稱誤信東方閃電向肢體致歉” (Terminated pastor of the Mission Covenant Church wrote a confession saying that she had mistakenly believed in Eastern Lightning and apologized to the body), January 4, 2013, accessed August 12, 2021.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.